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Đề thi thử môn Anh Văn 2019 - Đề 5 - Ôn thi giáo viên mầm non - Có đáp án

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Đề thi thử môn Anh Văn 2019 - Đề 5 - Ôn thi giáo viên mầm non - Có đáp án.

Part 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1. The circus shows are exciting that the whole family enjoy them. A. so B. very c. too D. such 2. His girlfriend stayed the farm alone for two weeks. A. in B. on c. at D. for 3. He the door, gets into the room and sits down. A. locks B. unlocks c. locked 4. Lan has to look A. at 5.1 don’t known A. how much she bought that book? B. what she is name’s C. when began the story. D. what he thought about the discussion

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    Luly Lylu

    334 điểm / 38 lần thi

    Điểm đạt: 4/10 điểm